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US Bank Takes Further Large Customer Data Hall At NGD

over 6 years ago by Lucy Cinder

US Bank Takes Further Large Customer Data Hall At NGD

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Next Generation Data (NGD) have announced the completion of a further large custom data hall for a major international bank. The US-owned bank’s continued migration to NGD is in line with its ongoing requirement for ensuring UK data sovereignty, low-latency and access to abundant space and power in order to future-proof further expansion.

Commented NGD’s Commercial Director, Simon Bearne: “NGD’s highly secure out of town location, scale and large power capacity are enabling the bank to continue growing their footprint with us, cost-effectively and with absolute confidence. The quality of high speed connectivity available direct to site, by providers with proven track-records in servicing the financial sector, was also a crucial consideration.”

Early last year the bank commenced consolidation of its UK data centre estate with a significant number of racks being relocated to NGD’s facility in an initial custom-designed 500kW hall.

Source nextgenerationdata

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