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Our 3 Hot Topics going into 2022

about 3 years ago by Chris Holt

Our 3 Hot Topics going into 2022

Hot Topics

Our 3 Hot Topics going into 2022

Through the turbulence and uncertainty of 2021, the Cyber Security sector has seen wavering degrees of prosperity, certainty and assurance. Heading in 2022, and with the digitalisation of our world growing day by day with the emergence of frameworks such as the Metaverse, we at DCL Search wanted to give you our 3 Hot Topics which we think will prove interesting to watch over this new year.


1.       AI’s prevalence in Cyber Security

a.       As previously mentioned, society as we know it is moulding itself into an ever-more digital skeleton. Whilst prosperous and exciting for those involved, the degree of threat from hackers and scammers simultaneously rises, posing a daunting threat upon many of us and in turn driving the digital world to more advanced and sustainable forms of cyber security to mitigate the threat posed by this, one of which is AI. As Bernard Marr notes, “it is the predictive power of AI that makes it so useful”, and we at DCL Search predict that the use of AI in cyber security defences will see a significant rise during the year of 2022. Defence softwares that adopt built in forms of AI such as Azure Sentinel will most notably see a wider spread use.

2.       War for Talent

a.       With the aforementioned digitalisation of society in mind, it comes as no surprise that the need for security professionals to defend these new technologies and databases is growing exponentially, at a rate that exceeds their supply. Thus, with demand outweighing supply for Cyber Security professionals, our second prediction is that the year of 2022 will see a fierce war for talent in the Cyber Security market, but most importantly in the majority of markets, ranging from engineers to solution architects due to the Cyber Security space is growing from all corners going into 2022.

3.       Ransomware threats

a.       UK National Cyber Security Centre stated there were three times the number ransomware attacks in Q1 of 2021 in comparison to the whole of 2019 – a more than alarming rate of growth for all to see. Though this can be largely attributed to digitalisation of a plethora of items due to the pandemic, it is important to remember that in the majority of cases this digitalisation and transition online was not a temporary, but a permanent move, thus enabling us to understand that the ransomware threat is not going anywhere any time soon. With the further digitalisation of everyday life expecting to continue into 2022, the threat of ransomware attacks will, in our eyes, continue to increase at a further alarming threat.


These 3 Hot topics will continue to remain at the forefront of our minds here at DCL Search, and we will continue to analyse, focus on, and update on the direction of these predictions. As discussed, the Cyber Security space is looking more interesting than ever at the start of this calendar year and things look like they will only get more enticing …


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