Video Conferencing Monitoring Software Keeps Your Calls Connected
At least, that’s the intention behind video conferencing monitoring software. It is like an air traffic control tower constantly watching over your business’ incoming and outgoing video conference calls, always ready to redirect and intervene when otherwise unseen trouble arises.
Such monitoring, of course, requires the presence of someone within your company qualified and authorized to act as a video Big Brother, so the smallest of businesses may not be able to employ it. If your business has the resources to invest in video monitoring, however, it can literally become the difference between making a connection with a client or leaving them hanging.
Empower Your IT Team
As VC Daily has previously discussed, the popularity of video conferencing across the business world has brought with it a new set of workplace challenges. Video calling is rapidly being integrated into our desktops and workflows, thanks to workplace
collaboration apps like Slack and Microsoft Teams. With landline telephones disappearing from our workstations, many of us are having to learn whole new systems of communicating, both internally and externally.
The growing pains associated with that change can be solved by the introduction of unified communication systems. These systems ensure everyone across the business is working from the same video platform–and they are the Holy Grail of your IT team’s ambitions. When implemented correctly, a unified system lets staff smoothly move between quick catch-up calls to their colleagues and large group video meetings with clients.
Managing such a system, though, requires a bird’s-eye view of the company infrastructure–which is exactly what video conferencing monitoring software is designed to provide.
What Is Video Conferencing Monitoring Software?
Video conferencing monitoring software isn’t directly connected to the video platforms that host and receive video calls. It sits above the system like surveillance equipment, gathering and analyzing information about the connections being made within. Monitoring software, like the recently launched package from VisibilityOne, resides in the Cloud and constantly assesses what’s going on across a video system.
It can provide IT teams with:
- Call disconnect information and incident reports
- Site-to-site testing
- Video meeting schedule information
- Live performance data
- Remote reboot functionality
- Hardware disconnect alerts
In short, it monitors the health of an entire video system, including server and disk issues. Its most obvious use is in providing a quick response when one or more connections fail, but its real benefit is the potential to predict failures before they happen. This is commonly made possible by detecting a failure in one area and preventing its spread across the system.
"Video conference monitoring allows your IT team to better focus their attention and to get ahead of problems before they cause major disruptions."
For example, if your IT team notices an internal video call has been interrupted, it can access the company-wide video call schedule and both alert others with impending calls to a potential failure and prioritize action to those specific callers.
It allows your IT team to better focus their attention and to get ahead of problems before they cause major disruptions. With such a system in place, you could turn up to your next video conference call to find the IT team already rebooting your system and preventing an embarrassing call dropout you now never have to explain away to a client.
Video Is Now Your Core Infrastructure
As we said earlier, video is quickly becoming a core part of the way the average business communicates–according to the Yale School of Management, more than half of U.S. workers use video conferencing regularly, and it is estimated that around 20 percent of consumers use video chat on a weekly basis to communicate with a business.
Obviously, it is important that this new infrastructure is properly maintained. The more video becomes embedded in the way we communicate with each other and the outside world, the more dropouts and poor call quality interfere with our workflows.
"There’s also a crucial security component to maintaining a healthy video connection."
The leading video conferencing vendors will provide online support for your video calls, but the most efficient way to keep things running smoothly is to take control for yourself, and that’s the idea behind video conferencing monitoring software.
There’s also a crucial security component to maintaining a healthy video connection. Your video conferencing system is one of the few within your business that regularly breaches your firewall in order to make connections with the wider world. Any time you can be alerted to unusual traffic flows or disruptions to your system is important. And don’t worry about internal eavesdroppers; your monitoring software should offer system status information without revealing the content of calls.
So, take heed of the growing importance of video communication and take responsibility for your company’s information flow–or rather, employ Big Brother to do it for you.
Source: videoconferencingdaily
Industry: Unified Communication news